Heaven or hell
Which one will you chose and start walking in it today? You call yourself a believer but you stay going out partying and having sex and doing the things of the world. Your not saved!!!! Your just LUKEWARM! Why do Christians walk around like they got everything together and that no one can tell them anything? Hate to hurt your feelings but you have something that isn’t of God and you know you have to keep putting up mask so it will make yourself look good. The only thing you’re doing is making yourself look like a fool. O yes fool!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Why is it so easy to reject a person who is totally on fire for God, but we choose the one that are still living in sin? Why do we always go to sleep on the Word of God but can stay up on a 2 hour movie? Why is it so hard to talk about the love of God, but so easy to talk about premarital sex? Why are we so bored when we look at a Christian book but we find it so easy to read Zane? Why are Churches getting smaller, but clubs and bars are expanding.
Christians find themselves trying to worship God and celebrities on the same level. It is impossible to do that. God is so much greater than Michael Jordan, Kobe Bryant, Michael Vick or any other famous person. Neither one of them people knows us and could care less, but some people still go around thinking that they care. I’m here to tell you that there is a person who loves you and knows you and knows every step you make and wants you to talk about him like you talk about the things that is going on in this world that has nothing to do with Him.
I know some of you who are reading this now your heart is hurting . You know why because you know you’re the one this blog is from. It was me loving the things of the world and God delivered me from it now I’m writing so that someone else can get set free from the things of the world and know more about God than the people in the World!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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