Friday, February 18, 2011


Why do so call Christians celebrate Holiday’s. Just a few days ago it was Valentines Day. I saw so many people going out and buying flowers, candy and teddy bears for their special someone. If they were so call special, why do people wait just for this time of the year to come around to buy these things? Why didn’t they get it on Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday and etc? I refuse to celebrate any of them. In Romans 12:2 it says, “Do not be conformed to this world but be transformed by the renewing of your minds”. That means you must hate the things of the world. Turn away and never go back. Christians are suppose to be the light for others to see so when they are struggling with some things they can feel like they can come to you and get some advice. They can’t come to you if you’re still struggling with the same things that they are. All the money people spend; they could go out and sow that into the kingdom. I use to be the person that wanted to go out and celebrate some holiday’s until my mind was transformed and truly set free. I blog this because it’s a wake up call for so many Christians. You get so caught up in other things you totally forget about the things God told you not to do. So don’t try and get ahead of yourselves because you’re still being disciple. No matter if you are the Pastor you still are being disciple. Fell free to leave comments.


  1. Thank you for this timely truth!

  2. What if u r about ur father business and u celebrate people everyday and just that day u decide 2 con. to show how much you honor the people in and around u so is it the hoilday or the meaning that people are following. It's a heart issue can we judge their motive if u don't know their heart,but be encourage and bring the truth the way u know how.

  3. Thanks for speaking truth. And for the comment above very sweet but not bible. If we are not to be conformed but to bealight then we show them the way and if we are doing what the hoards of others are doing then were with the majority and not standing as the minority that will stand for truth. He didnt say you wer hell bound but if we are are about our Fathers business truly then these days wouldnt be a centr focus like everyone else. We would just as you said shoe love everyday, without compromise. Keep being the Heaven or Hell Dude Joseph straight forward and to the point.
