Tuesday, January 25, 2011

If you call yourself a true believer

If you call yourself a true believe then why do you go around compromising the word of God. Trying to put things in your own words to make yourself feel like you have done something good for the kingdom. The only thing you have done was make yourself look like a FOOL. God isn’t please by how good you can shout or preach or even pray. He is pleased by the number for souls you bring the church for him to operate. Yes I SAID OPERATE. When you let God operate on you FORREAL there is no way that enemy can come in and change your life if you’re really serious about who you believe in. I don’t want to be just an ordinary Christian. That is so BORING!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! AND NOT PLEASING TO GOD. I want to be the one that will go out and snatch the lost ones that people reject and don’t care about and have gave up on. So if you want to call yourself a true believer then act like it and not just sit back and be like God hasn’t call me to do this because that’s a LIE and I would love for you to show me where it SAID THAT IN YOUR BIBLE. Last time I check God wants us to bear fruit and see his people set free from so many things.


  1. You go Heaven or Hell! Its time to GO HARD or GO HOME!

  2. great word man of God. speak truth.
